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Round-Island Cycling Route Connecting To Sea Line - Yunlin County Mailiao To Kouhu Section

Route Length
Regional Route
No information.

Recommended Attractions

Li Wan-Chu
Chenglong Wetlands
Jinhu Recreational Agriculture Area
Kouhu Visitor Center
Boziliao Coastal Recreation Area
Good Shrimp Store
Yiwu Community
Former Residence Of Zheng Fengxi
Boziliao “Ohbear Art Village”
Bicycle Paths (四湖海清宮一線天自行車道)

Route Information

Round-Island Cycling Route Connecting To Sea Line - Yunlin County Mailiao To Kouhu Section
Bike Path
Bike/Pedestrian Shared Path
Slow Lane
Mixed Lane

Certified Supply Station / Maintenance Pile

Police Station
Kouhu Visitor Center
Convenience Store