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Accessibility Operation Instructions

The website's main template is divided into three major sections:

  1. Top menu link section
  2. Main menu link section
  3. Main content section of the webpage

The website's main template is divided into three major sections:

  • Alt+U: Upper right function block, including home, site navigation, font selection, etc.
  • Alt+C: Main content section of the webpage, which primarily displays the main information of the webpage.
  • Alt+Z: Lower function block.
  • If you are using Firefox, the method for using quick keys is Shift+Alt+(accesskey letter), for example, Shift+Alt+C will jump to the central section of the webpage, and so on.
When the tabs of this website cannot be clicked with the mouse, you can use the following keyboard operation methods to navigate the data
  • ← → or ↑ ↓: Use the left or right arrow keys or the up or down arrow keys to move through the tab order.
  • Home or End→: You can jump directly to the first or last item in the tab.
  • Tab: Stay on the tab, and you can use the Tab key to navigate and browse the content of that item. When encountering radio buttons, please use the ← → or ↑ ↓ keys to move through the items.
  • Tab + Shift: Press Tab + Shift to go back to the previous data entry. When you return to the tab item, you can continue using the ← → or ↑ ↓ keys to move through the tab order.