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Declaration of Government Website Open Information Announcement

License Grant and Scope

To facilitate wide and diverse usage, all publicly published data and materials on the Taiwan Cycling Trail - Taiwan Bike Single Portal website, within the scope of their copyright protections, are provided under "Open Government Data License, version 1.0 (OGDL-Taiwan-1.0)" in a free of charge, non-exclusive, and sublicensable method for the public. Users are granted a perpetual, worldwide license to reproduce, adapt, compile, publicly transmit, or otherwise utilize the data and materials, as well as develop products or services based on the data and materials (herein known as derivative works). This license is irrevocable and does not require any additional written offer or other formality to be granted. However, users must provide attribution when making use of the data and materials.


  1. This statement only applies to copyrights and does not cover other intellectual property rights, including but not limited to the grant of patents, trademarks, or logos.
  2. When personal data has been disclosed voluntarily or by law within the data and materials, this license does not guarantee that consent has been given for users to collect, process, or utilize that personal data. For such uses and applications, users shall bear the responsibility of ensuring compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act.
  3. Certain videos, photos, sheet music, project results, or other authored works, respectively marked as requiring additional approval for use, fall outside the license scope of this statement. For further use of those excluded works, users shall be required to obtain additional permission from the appropriate entity.
  4. Users shall make reasonable efforts to uphold the moral rights protection of third parties, including the right of paternity and the right of integrity.
  5. Users shall not maliciously manipulate related information when using the data and materials provided under the scope of this statement. If the related information is rendered in such a way as to be intentionally inconsistent with the original data and materials, and users can be held legally liable for this misrepresentation, then those users shall bear full responsibility under civil or criminal law.
  6. This statement does not grant users the right to represent the Executive Yuan to recommend, approve, or endorse derivative works.