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East Rift Valley_Forest And Hot Spring Bike Tour

Route Length
Bike Tour
#East Rift Valley_Forest And Hot Spring Bike Tour #Forest Journey #Mountain Loop

Recommended Attractions

Xiuguluan River Tourists Center
Ruisui Rafting Visitor Center
Tropic of Cancer Marker
Xing Quan Zhen Feng Lingmu
Ecological Park (拉索埃生態園區)
Danongdafu Forest Park
Fuxing Forest Train
Dongli Station And Dongli Bicycle Station
Jili Pond
Ji-Jheng Ranch

Route Information

East Rift Valley_Forest And Hot Spring Bike Tour
Bike Path
Bike/Pedestrian Shared Path
Slow Lane
Mixed Lane

Certified Supply Station / Maintenance Pile

Nan-an Visitor Center
Fuyuan Station
Danongdafu Forest Park
Guangfu Sugar Factory
Christian church
Guangfu Station
Xiuguluan River Tourists Center
Yuli Station
Police Station