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Penghu Bike Tour (Island Of Chrysanthemum)

Route Length
Bike Tour
#Island of Chrysanthemum (Penghu) #Island of Chrysanthemum #Penghu #Offshore Islands

Recommended Attractions

Hongluo Village˙Shi Gandang
Shagan Village Shigandang
Magong Port Fisherman'S Wharf
Penghu Tianhou Temple
Wanjun Well
Shuncheng Gate
Duxingshi Village Cultural Park
South Sea Visitor Center

Route Information

Penghu Bike Tour (Island Of Chrysanthemum)
Bike Path
Bike/Pedestrian Shared Path
Slow Lane
Mixed Lane

Certified Supply Station / Maintenance Pile

Shanshui Beach
Police Station
Convenience Store
Penghu Visitor Center
Jhongtun Wind Power Area
Xiyu Western Fort Visitor Center
Tongliang Visitor Information Center
Longmen Beach Park Marina
Yuwengdao Visitor Center