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Mauluo River Bikeway

Route Length
Regional Route
No information.

Transportation Information


You can reach there by public transportation.(TRA, THSR, etc.)

Forestry Bureau

Recommended Attractions

Bishan Temple (碧山岩)
Tiao Shui Historic Trail
Bu Mao Flower Market
Tiao Shui View Tung Flower
Tiao Shui Historic Trail(Exploring Ancient Times And Enjoying The Scenery)
Bishan Historic Trail
Recreation Area (芬園花卉生產休憩園區)
Dengying College
Baimuquan- Hsintao Park
Trail (萬豐環山步道)

Route Information

Mauluo River Bikeway
Bike Path
Bike/Pedestrian Shared Path
Slow Lane
Mixed Lane

Bicycle Rental Station

YouBike2.0_Jhongtou E Rd. / Fengzheng Rd.