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Houlong River Left Bank Bikeway

Route Length
Regional Route
No information.

Transportation Information


You can reach there by public transportation.(TRA, THSR, etc.)


Recommended Attractions

Home Art Space Coffee Shop

Route Information

Houlong River Left Bank Bikeway
Bike Path
Bike/Pedestrian Shared Path
Slow Lane
Mixed Lane

Bicycle Rental Station

YouBike1.0_National Miao-Li Agricultural & Industrial Vocational High School
YouBike1.0_National Miaoli Senior High School
YouBike1.0_Miaoli City Office
YouBike1.0_Yu Qing Temple
YouBike1.0_Nan Miao Datong Elementary School
YouBike1.0_Taiwan Miaoli District Court
YouBike1.0_Wei Jhen Junior High School
YouBike1.0_TRA Houlong Station
YouBike1.0_Jenteh Junior College of Medicine, Nursing and Management
YouBike1.0_Aiguo Rd(Environmental Park)