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Hou-Fong Bike Path

Route Length
Regional Route
No information.

Transportation Information


You can reach there by public transportation.(TRA, THSR, etc.)


Recommended Attractions

Houli Horse Ranch
Houfeng Bikeway
Jung She Flower Market
Earthquake Recovery Monument
Da'An River Iron Bridge
Gonglaoping Club Farm
Tai'An Railway Cultural Park
Carpenter Workshop
Fenghuang Mountain Farm
Centre Of Woodwork Technology And Innovation

Route Information

Hou-Fong Bike Path
Bike Path
Bike/Pedestrian Shared Path
Slow Lane
Mixed Lane

Bicycle Rental Station

iBike1.0_Feng Yuan Junior High School
iBike1.0_Tai'an Railway Station
iBike1.0_Taian Railway Cultural Park
iBike1.0_Houli Station
iBike1.0_Cihji Park
iBike1.0_Micron Taiwan
YouBike2.0_Fengyang Junior High School
YouBike2.0_Cihji Park
YouBike2.0_Feng Yuan Junior High School
YouBike2.0_Huludun Parent-Child Center