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Route Length
Regional Route
No information.

Transportation Information


You can reach there by public transportation.(TRA, THSR, etc.)

Chaozhou Railway Workshop

Recommended Attractions

Zhongshan Park
Temple (媽祖廟(慈鳳宮))
The Folk Art Museum Of Pingtung
Temple (宗聖公祠)
Kaoping River Old Iron Bridge
Ethnic Music Hall
Pingtung Night Market
Pingtung Art Museum
Pingtung Sugarf Actory
Temple (玉皇宮)

Route Information

Rail Bike
Bike Path
Bike/Pedestrian Shared Path
Slow Lane
Mixed Lane

Bicycle Rental Station

YouBike2.0_Dashu Wetlands Park
YouBike2.0_Old Railway Bridge & Wetlands Ecological Park
YouBike2.0_Jiuqutang Train Station (Front station)
YouBike2.0_Jiuqutang Sta.
YouBike2.0_Dashu Sports Center
YouBike2.0_Kaohsiung Public Library Dashu 2nd Branch
YouBike2.0_Chaozhou Railway Park
YouBike2.0_Chaozhou Happiness Village
YouBike2.0_Guang-Chun Elementary School

Certified Supply Station / Maintenance Pile

Jhutian Station
Convenience Store
Chaozhou Station
Pingtung Station